When We Are Closed
If you require urgent medical care, please telephone NHS24 on 111 at any time.
All calls made to the Practice telephone number (01870 602215) out-of-hours will hear a message stating that the practice is closed. You will be asked to contact NHS24 directly on 111. The call will not be diverted automatically.
A&E is located in the Uist & Barra Hospital, Balivanich, Benbecula, HS7 5LA. The senior nursing staff can triage and manage minor injuries, and a doctor is always on-call.
Dental emergencies are managed by dentists, who will see you within 24 hours for painful conditions. They can be contacted on NHS24 by dialling 111, or on their usual surgery numbers during opening hours.
In an emergency you should call 999.
Symptoms of stroke, Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.